Nightline aims at helping students cope with college life troubles.
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A few words about Nightline student service

Any university has a Nightline establishment which allows students to help each other and provide support to each other. It takes care of students' mental health and overall wellbeing during the night shifts when all the other services on the university premises are closed. The eldest Nightline office is 40 years old, founded by the director of Samaritans at the University of Essex to decrease the number of cases of studetns' suicide. Currently, over 40 UK universities can boast of Nightline presence with more than 2,000 students-volunteers. There is a telephone hotline and it is even possible to drop-in; a person can ask for help via an e-mail, as well as, listening service. Supplies support is organized through attack alarm, pregnancy tests, etc.

Moving to college, sudents experience numerous changes and challenges, and it is a great help for them to be able to talk to someone who's just experienced the same, someone like their peer. At a university with a Nightline, students can find help concerning any issue. They won't be judged or made to do anything, they are just listened to. Absolute anonymity is promised, students don't have to provide any personal data.

Nightline accepts students with different problems, but the most popular are the ones connected with family, studying, flatmates, depression, career, loneliness, sexual abuse, relationship, dept and many others. Nightline does not distinguish small and big problems: volunteers will listen if it bothers a student. They are trained to listen, perhaps, they have no answers, but it's not the main aim – they can help to find one's own solution. Nightline always listens until students are ready to talk.