Is School Uniform for good or for bad? Let's discuss it!
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School Uniform: is it really necessary?


The issue of uniform is being widely discussed in the educational world. There are many supporters and people against school uniform. Personally, I belong to the second category.

First of all, I believe that creativy should be the boosting point of educational progress. And not allowing students to express themselves and making them dress in the same way doesn't develop the willing to seek for the new ideas. The argument against it could be the presumption that students will wear some provocative clothes. But no one says that there won't be any rules at all. I guess that rules are present at any school, and they should stay there. But what I say is that students shouldn't be restricted in expressing themselves. In their age, they are developing personalities who want to show the world who they are. Could you imagine looking the same every day for five days a week?

Secondly, I am worried about the cost of the uniforms. Students' parents have different incomes, and what can pay one, another – can't. And it is absolutely private thing how much a family wants to pay for the clothes their child will wear. It is really important not to insult anyone. Moreover, it is really expensive to buy several uniforms at once. Many schools have simple uniform and uniform for special occasions. And don't forget that children are likely to grow from it, and families have to spend money every year.

Thirdly, not every material will pass to every child. Some kids can be alergic to specific fabrics, while others are just too active and need more solid materials. What I want to say is that the point of comfort of the one who is to wear uniform is neglected. It is not to mention that some kids hate buttons and others can't stand zippers. Some girls prefer to wear trousers, but it is a common case when uniform standards require girls to wear skirts. Furthermore, many students claim that the school uniform is not warm enough for the cold weather. And including to the uniform requirements the same shoes is unbelievable, as kids' feet are really different, and every student needs his/her own comfortable kind of shoes.

What is more, a parent needs more time early in the morning to dress up a child. I mean that for different occasions, children have to wear specific clothing. And a mom or dad have to look for a specific shirt or blazer. Not to say how much time is spent on washing and ironing uniform. And for how long one kid puts it on every morning.

And the last, but not the least, is an argument of one mom I read somewhere in a magazine: “Why bother?” If a school has been functioning without uniform for the long time, why should there be any changes? The system is good if it shows results. Kids go to school and are satisfied with the clothes they wear. And I believe there is no point in making them change.

All in all, it is a private matter of everyone what side to choose. But, in my opinion, the most important thing is to ask “target audience”, what is it interested in? I mean, there should be conducted some researches and studies among students if they want to wear uniform or not. It is perhaps the easiest solution for such a dilemma.

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